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Soundscape by John Shymko

Chee Chee SoundscapeDrew Gauley
00:00 / 30:20

The Soundscape for Benjamin Chee Chee: Life and Legacy was created by John Shymko of Temagami, and comprises interviews with Benjamin Chee Chee, Tom Hill (art and curator), Marie Gaignery of the Nicholas Gallery in Ottawa, Neil Sneyd of the Wildlife Gallery of Toronto, and Charlotte Peshabo of Temagami, all of the CBC audio production 'The Life and Death of Benjamin Chee Chee', 1980, as well as music by David Laronde recorded and mixed at Crosspath Studios, and music by John Shymko and Paula Potts recorded, and mixed at Caribou Mountain Studios.

Thank you to Drew Gauley for your support. 

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325, chemin Farr, C.P. 1090 | 325 Farr Drive. P.O. Box 1090, | Temiskaming Shores, Ontario P0J 1K0​​

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