Horaires d'ouverture du studio
Mardi - 10h à 19h
Mercredi - 9h30 à 12h30
Jeudi - 10h - 19h
FERMÉ le lundi, vendredi-dimanche
Open Studio Libre est un studio d'art en accès 100 % gratuit proposé par la Temiskaming Art Gallery. Nous sommes un environnement inclusif, respectueux et ouvert où chacun peut venir créer de l'art.
Open Studio on Ferguson Ave
Drop-in Hours
Simply show up! Anyone can create art pieces at no cost. You are welcome to bring projects / materials from home to work on, or we have a collection of art supplies on a "take what you need, leave what you can" basis. Donations, either materials or money are greatly appreciated and are directly put back into support our community-driven studio.
In addition to our drop-in sessions, we have plenty of classes, workshops and programming, some paid and some free to attend. This includes 'Make Art with Mel', 'Acrylic Adventures', 'Whimsical Watercolour', 'Sip n Paints' and 'Junior Artist Colony'. Keep your eye out on our social media for other great learning opportunities! We also showcase local artists every month:
Gift Shop
We sell TAG swag and local artist's work that split proceeds between the artist and the gallery.
Open Studio on Ferguson Ave
Boutique de cadeaux Open Studio