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Bronze Works Digitized

A collection of Rose-Aimée Bélanger's bronze scultpures as well as clay and 3D replications.

The Temiskaming Art Gallery is proud to present Rose-Aimée Bélanger, Bronze works: Digitized | Œuvers en bronze: numérisées, sponsored by le Centre culturel ARTEM.


Rose-Aimée Bélanger’s sculptures explore the human condition. Through her work she transmits the extraordinary pleasures found in the ordinary, and, 100 years old on July 4, 2023, she wisely invites us to savour them.


Featured in the exhibition is an exploration of the progression of creation of her sculptures: from clay to bronze. Further, small scale reproductions are fabricated using 3D printing technology, available for viewing over the course of the exhibition. This innovative extension to the evolution of sculpture enables a deeper understanding of process and form, and a reflection upon the place of technology in the art world.

Project Gallery

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