Portraits, North of 17
December 2, 2019- January 17, 2020
Portraits, North of 17
This is a group exhibition of contemporary portraiture featuring artists: Bruce Cull, Margot Cormier Splane, Catharin Cribbs, Dermot Wilson, Iris Shields, Cesare Feraro, Reno Couchie and Sue Gamble. This is an exhibition of portraits created in 2017 and early 2018 by artists from four regions of Northeastern Ontario. This extensive exhibition will present a document of the true ‘character’ of this vibrant and isolated quarter of the province.
Within these thirty-two works are embedded notions of the limits of a scientific post-colonial ‘gaze’ and the character of the land as reflected in the expressive faces of the people of Northern Ontario.

Photographic Evidence
Oct - Nov 2019.
An abstract approach to urban landscape photography. These North Bay- based artists explore the colours, shapes and textures that are the backdrop to our lives. Though each artist is distinctly individual in his photography the works come together seamlessly in the gallery space to provide a a wonderfully artistic rendition of our local landscape.
Une approche abstraite de la photographie de paysages urbains. Ces artistes basés à North Bay explorent les couleurs, les formes et les textures qui constituent la toile de fond de nos vies. Bien que chaque artiste soit distinctement individuel dans sa photographie, les œuvres se combinent parfaitement dans l'espace de la galerie pour offrir une reproduction merveilleusement artistique du paysage local.
Des Buttes et de la Sculpture
Aug - Sept 2019.
Small fire/Le petit feu
A work in progress and interactive sound work. A pile of statuettes piled up meticulously on top of each other, artefacts made, inspired by historical models from several cultures, some disguised by figures of people close for the artist, some drawn from sketchbooks, some completely exploded during the cooking process; as the spectator approaches, a whispering voice arises, a barely audible dialogue, difficult to understand. The work, fueled by modeled statuettes cooked at a slow fire, questions our relationship with the world.
Voice: Dialogue between Éliane Kistabish and Joanne Poitras. Note: The mound of statuettes grows with each cooking, year after year.
Wild Flower Buds
Since the 2000s, Joanne Poitras has been working on a series of lithographs. The subject of each of these works is a wildflower, in bud, which grows in the fields and forests here. The blooming flower draws our eye to it but it is the flower bud that interests the artist. At this time of its growth, in its folds of petals that serve as a protective shield, the flower is creating a future. This form interests me. The flower builds what it will be tomorrow. To draw more attention to this life that often develops without our knowledge, the artist represents these flower buds in a monumental form.
Fenêtres sur le village/Windows On The Village (sculpture)
Mound formed of charred residues from the church of Saint-Eugène-de-Guigues in Temiscamingue destroyed by the flames in 2014. The artefacts recovered are lacquered. In the days following the fire and with the agreement of the local authorities, the site was photographed, filmed and the remains of the destroyed building were collected. These artifacts seek to heal/think the imaginary. The work wants to bring the public to dream the territory.
A video projection overhangs the hill and presents a square of blue sky dotted with clouds.
Comme le vent force fragile/As the wind brittle force (sculpture)
Mound composed of several hundred cattails picked, dried and processed, dotted, dipped in coffee powder and varnished. The whole is assembled and mounted in the form of cupola. Truncated and idealized representation of the idea of nature.

62nd Annual NOAA Exhibition
July 2019.
A travelling juried exhibition featuring artists from the Northern Ontario Art Association.
New Vintages
May - June 2019.
New Vintages showcases the talent of 12 emerging artists with Northern roots in a variety of mediums and styles. The Temiskaming Art Gallery hosted a reception on June 13th, and 6 of the artists were in attendance and had the opportunity to talk about the inspiration behind their artworks.
Sollano 84: A Toller
Cranston Story
March - April 2019

Toller Cranston was a figure skater that changed how the world perceived mens figure skating. Before Toller showed off his artistic bodily movement, men figure skaters were very masculine on the ice. After Cranston introduced his unique style, he became an icon for centuries. Along with his passion of figure skating, he was extremely passionate about art. He created 20, 000 paintings and drawings in his lifetime. Although he has passed, his art continues to inspire and impact the lives of many artists and/or viewers. There was a sister exhibition Strawberry Journey: A Toller Cranston story at the Museum of Northern History in Kirkland Lake.

Ladies of Glass //
Les femmes de verre
January 16 - March 1, 2019
The Ladies of Glass artists Joyce Moore Creations, Rose Belanger, Louise DeJoseph, Maria Pape, and Carmen Cantin displayed their amazing pieces for this exhibition.
November 13 2018 - January 4 2019.
The Northern landscape as seen through the eyes of a painter and photographer, husband and wife duo.
Martin & Kathy Foley:
A Northern Perspective