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Rainy Day Painting - 'At Home Art 37'

After all that sun it's refreshing to have a couple rainy days. Moving back indoors you may find yourself re-energized and ready to sit in front of a canvas. I'm going to share three video tutorials that will help you learn how to paint rain. The first video tutorial is a step-by-step acrylic painting of a flower in the rain. The second video shows you a different wet-on-wet technique with lots of fun tools for your paint application including combs, cotton swabs and tin foil. This technique is great for streetscapes where there is a lot of reflected light. The third video explains how to paint rain and fog. This technique involves layering and can be applied on top of any landscape. These are only three options yet there are many other video tutorials out there that will help you learn how to paint rainy day scenes. Lastly for a more experimental process you might like to try painting with watercolor or washable markers and placing your paper out in the rain to see how the raindrops interact with your pigment. This experimental art is great for children. Click here to see how to create a rainy day rainbow using this technique. So don't let the rain get you down, try a rainy day painting!

Have a great day folks.

Sincerely; Your friendly neighbourhood art gallery.


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