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Oobleck - At Home Art 5

Today we were to have our Gelli Printing with Joe-Ann Cleroux at the Open Studio Libre. Since we explored mono-printing yesterday I decided that we would focus on the ‘Gelli’ part of Gelli Printing. I have included some videos on Oobleck as well as a read-aloud for ‘Bartholomew and the Oobleck’ by Dr Seuss. For our at-home learners of all ages, Seuss's Bartholomew and the Oobleck poses questions about greed and desire, authority, the environment, whether or not desire should be placed over higher ideals and provides many philosophical topics that could be discussed at home. If this is not your jam, don’t fret! Oobleck is a super fun non-Newtonian fluid that is great for play in so many ways! You can use this for experiments, create some temporary sidewalk art, splash it in the snow and melt it in your hands or let your toy cars and dinosaurs play in it, but don't let them rest too long or they will sink right in!

The first video link will teach you how to make Oobleck and what sorts of things you can add to your Oobleck to make it unique (in this video she says cornflower which is cornstarch). In the next two videos people use slow-motion cameras to look at the science behind the slime! And the last video link is for a Bartholomew and the Oobleck Read-Aloud.

We hope you find some creative uses for this wonderful goo! Please feel free to like and share. If you do create a slimy sensation we would love to see it. Take a video or picture and tag us #temiskamingartgallery.

That's it for now. Have a great day folks.

Sincerely; Your friendly neighbourhood art gallery.


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